Bactericidal recirculator TeplEko - кварцевые обогреватели ТеплЭко
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2700 rub

Bactericidal recirculator TeplEko

The ultraviolet air recirculator from TeplEko is designed for air disinfection by UV radiation in the presence of people. Disinfection of the air flow occurs in the process of its circulation through the housing, inside which are placed sources of bactericidal radiation.

Germicidal lamps are used as sources of germicidal radiation. Recirculators are designed for use in residential and office buildings, such as apartments, hotels, hostels, schools, child care facilities, office buildings, etc.

The closed type recirculator can be operated in the presence of people, animals and plants.

The air recirculator is not a medical device.

Parameter name The value of the bactericidal recirculator
Productivity, m3/h 20
Noise level, dB 24
Power consumption, W 10
Lamp type DKBU-11
Lamp power, W 9
UV flux power, W 2.4
Range of UV radiation, nm 253.7
Bactericidal. efficiency, % 99
Lamp life, h 8000
Supply voltage, V/Hz ~220/50
Consumed current, A 0.06
Overall dimensions, mm 350х100х100
Degree of protection IP20
Weight, kg 1.5

The recirculator is designed to work in the following conditions:

– Ambient air temperature, °С +10 ÷ +35.

– Relative humidity up to 80% (at t = +25 °C).

– Pressure, mm Hg. – 630 ÷ 800.

Remove the device from the packaging. Check for mechanical damage.

After storing the recirculator in a cold room or after transportation in winter conditions, it can be connected to the network no earlier than after 2 hours at room temperature.

The recirculator must be placed in the room in such a way that the intake and exhaust of air occur unhindered. Avoid installation in the corners of the room where dead spots can form.

Plug the mains plug into a 220V 50Hz household outlet.

To get started, turn on the recirculator using the switch on the housing. This turns on the fan and UV lamps.

Switching off is done by a switch. If you plan to use the appliance for a long period of time, unplug the power cord from the household electrical outlet.

In the presence of people, the recirculator can operate continuously for the entire time necessary to disinfect the air with UV radiation. Intervals between inclusions are not regulated.

The ultraviolet air recirculator from TeplEko is designed for air disinfection by UV radiation in the presence of people. Disinfection of the air flow occurs in the process of its circulation through the housing, inside which are placed sources of bactericidal radiation.

Germicidal lamps are used as sources of germicidal radiation. Recirculators are designed for use in residential and office buildings, such as apartments, hotels, hostels, schools, child care facilities, office buildings, etc.

The closed type recirculator can be operated in the presence of people, animals and plants.

The air recirculator is not a medical product.
The fan draws in a stream of air that enters the recirculator, passing through the lower ventilation grill, which screens the baffle. Further, the air, irradiated with bactericidal lamps, is disinfected and thrown out through the upper ventilation grill with directional lamellae.

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