Accessories for heaters TeplEko

allows you to conveniently and quickly dry washed clothes in any room, you just need to fix them on the heater
The thermostat is required to automatically turn on / off the heaters depending on the set temperature.
If you do not install a thermostat, then you control the switching on / off of the heaters yourself. -
capacityallows you to regulate the power in the heater network, that is, to influence the active load of the network
with wire and
socketallows you to automate heating, save energy.
To install it, you just need to bring the wire from the installation kit -
lamp blackQuartz lamp destroys microbes with ultraviolet light, as well as promotes better regeneration of the skin and, together with the immune system, helps the body fight infections.
screenfastened over the Tepleko heater, has a pleasant appearance, does not interfere with the transfer of heat in the room
self-adhesive foil, thanks to which heat is reflected over the entire area of the room
Solar Powered LED
Street LampThe lamp works only from a solar battery and does not require complex installation and additional wiring.
Wi-Fi socket
will allow you to control the operation of the Tepleko heater from a distance using a Wi-Fi network and the SmartLife mobile application. The outlet can be configured to work on a schedule
GSM socket
works from a conventional SIM card, allows remote control, has a climate control function and a timer
Protective screen for the "Wenge" color heater
will complement your interior with a stylish look and protect the heater from external influences
Bactericidal recirculator TeplEko
The device, which is based on UV lamps, contributes to the thorough elimination of pathogens from the air stream.
Universal stand
Equipped with stable legs and wheels, which allows the heater to be used as a stationary or mobile heat source.
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