Delivery - кварцевые обогреватели ТеплЭко
ул. Железноводская, 13
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The company TeplEko has a network of company stores, distribution warehouses, and dealers in many cities of Russia and even in other countries. Monolithic quartz home heater can be ordered in any city in Russia and received at our issuance point or with doorstep delivery. All our shipments in Russia are from our main trading house in St. Petersburg. Our elaborate logistics scheme is focused on shipments across all regions of Russia directly into the hands of the end consumer, thus ensuring minimum prices for our products.

Delivery terms

Delivery is paid by the recipient when picking up the goods. Call to find out the approximate cost of delivery.

Available: delivery by a transport company, self-delivery from central or regional warehouses.

You can independently determine any other convenient delivery method and discuss it with our operator in advance.

The company LLC “Trading House TeplEko” provides information about the approximate cost of delivery. Delivery costs can vary both upward and downward. The final cost of delivery is set by the carrier company, according to internal tariffs. The delivery payment is made with the carrier company.

Delivery time

The day of acceptance of the request, weekends (Saturday-Sunday), and holidays are not included in the delivery time!

  • Delivery time to cities and towns in Russia — from 1 to 6 days, depending on the distance;
  • Delivery time to remote localities of the regions and international delivery — up to 20 days.

We pack all of our goods properly when we ship it, and we do everything we can to make sure it arrives at you safe and sound. The delivery service is obligated to bring you the goods in proper condition. But we strongly recommend that you always check the goods carefully when you receive them.

Transport companies are fully responsible for the safety and security of the cargo at the time of transportation. Seller is not responsible for the increased delivery time due to the fault of transport companies.

Additional delivery terms

The procedure of interaction “Customer – sender – carrier”:

  1. You determine the quantity and name of products, make payment.
  2. After successful payment and receipt of funds to our current account, our accounting department sends you a certificate notification of successful payment.
  3. Then, all the necessary documents are sent to our warehouse, where your cargo is completed and formed for shipment.
  4. Our logistics department determines the most profitable delivery method, draws up the necessary documents and insurance. It also defines the need for this or that packaging and then passes your cargo to the transport company.
  5. As soon as the cargo arrives in your region, the employee in charge of issuance will contact you and offer to pick it up at the warehouse by self-delivery or deliver it to your doorstep and hand it over personally. The time of cargo delivery is negotiated individually, taking into account your wishes. Before receiving the cargo, you need to inspect it. If everything is good, you sign the acceptance report and pick up the goods. If there is any significant damage and it is critical for you, you write a claim statement. The transport company will forward the documents to the insurance company, which will reimburse the total cost of the cargo to our account. After receiving the reimbursement, we will send you a new order for free. Once the cargo arrives at the warehouse in your city, you will have 3-5 days of free storage, not counting the day of arrival, then after this period will be paid storage. Check the rates in the warehouse.

You can buy a quartz heater in any city in Russia. Delivery of our heaters is carried out absolutely in any region of Russia. You can find the addresses of warehouses of monolithic quartz heaters in the section Contacts.

We work directly with the end consumer, thus eliminates additional costs and ensures the minimum cost of energy-saving heaters.

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