Buy an energy-efficient heater - кварцевые обогреватели ТеплЭко
ул. Железноводская, 13
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Buy an energy-efficient heater

Our production

Issuance of orders is carried out in branded stores (list of stores) or via delivery by transport companies (more about delivery)

The price of the heater by the promotion is 2400 ₽

For orders from 10 units of one model, your discount will be 100 ₽/piece.
For orders from 20 units of one model, your discount will be 200 ₽/piece.
For orders from 50 units of one model, your discount will be 300 ₽/piece.
For orders from 100 units of one model, your discount will be 400 ₽/piece.
For orders from 500 units of one model, your discount will be 500 ₽/piece.

Additional items
Total: 0 rub

Payment for goods

Electronic payment

You can pay for our products with a Visa, Mastercard and MIR bank card through our partner - Tinkoff Bank, which provides Internet acquiring. Enrollment, as a rule, is made within a few minutes, around the clock, seven days a week. If you pay for heaters by receipt, invoice or through electronic payments (VISA, Mastercard, MIR), then your order is issued at the nearest TeplEko branded store. Or delivery is carried out by courier, delivery is paid upon receipt, after receipt of the appropriate notification. The list of TeplEko branded stores can be found in the section Contacts. If there is no TeplEko brand store near your city, your order will be sent to any city in Russia from the central trading house located in St. Petersburg by a transport company. The company LLC "TD TeplEco" provides information on the approximate cost of delivery. The cost of delivery can vary both up and down, the final cost of delivery is set by the carrier company, according to domestic tariffs. Payment for delivery is carried out with the carrier company. Before placing an order, check the availability of goods in the store.
When submitting goods for delivery under the Yarovaya law (Federal Law No. 374-FZ of July 6, 2016), we need to provide the recipient's passport series and number for identification purposes to the transport company.

Enter data
Full name *fully
The passport *serial number
Delivery address *
Telephone *
Email *
Request for an order
Please select a product.

Convenient for individuals, you can issue a receipt and then pay at any bank in your city or through the online banking system. The receipt is generated automatically, you only need to fill out the form below. If you pay for heaters by receipt, invoice or through electronic payments (VISA, Mastercard, MIR), then your order is issued at the nearest TeplEko branded store. Or delivery is carried out by courier, delivery is paid upon receipt. The list of TeplEko branded stores can be found in the section Contacts. If there is no TeplEko branded store near your city, your order will be sent to any city in Russia from the central trading house located in St. Petersburg by a transport company.
When submitting goods for delivery under the Yarovaya law (Federal Law No. 374-FZ of July 6, 2016), we need to provide the recipient's passport series and number for identification purposes to the transport company.

Enter data
Full name *fully
The passport *serial number
Delivery address *
Telephone *
Email *
Request for an order
Please select a product.

Convenient for organizations. You just need to fill out the form below and click the "Issue an invoice" button, an invoice with a blue stamp will be automatically generated. If you pay for heaters by receipt, invoice or through electronic payments (VISA, Mastercard, MIR), then your order is issued at the nearest TeplEko branded store. Or delivery is carried out by courier, delivery is paid upon receipt. The list of TeplEko branded stores can be found in the section Contacts. If there is no TeplEko brand store near your city, your order will be sent to any city in Russia from the central trading house located in St. Petersburg by a transport company.

Enter data
Company *
Jur. the address *
Telephone *
Email *
If the delivery address is different from the legal address, please indicate it:
Please select a product.

Delivery by courier with payment upon receipt. Courier delivery is possible only in the cities where TeplEko company stores are located. In these cities, you can also pick up products by self-delivery.

Enter data
Full name *fully
Your city *
Delivery address *
Telephone *
Request for an order
Please select a product.
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